There's something no one ever tells you about living with a puppy. You spend a disproportionate amount of time worrying about dog pee and poop. It's a bit unnerving.
All of a sudden, your world pretty much revolves around if the pup needs to go outside. Your schedule is built around her schedule. You never dreamt your daily focus would be on bowel movements. Yet, your mood hangs in the balance as to whether the pup does it outside or in the house. If she starts sniffing the floor, you jump up and head outside like a live grenade is about to explode!
In a sort of peculiar way, it makes you appreciate the small things. Before Nancy, it had been ten years since I'd known the sheer joy of piddles and poops in the backyard instead of the house. In reality, the distance is only a few feet, but those few feet make all the difference.
Sometimes sports are games of inches. Success or failure comes down to miniscule distances. I think you could say the same about dog poop and puddles.
