
Gaila Kline-Hobson, Author

My inner voice won't be silenced. It cries, "Listen! Remain faithful to the stories in your heart and head. They are the part of your essence waiting to be shared with the world"
Gaila Kline-Hobson, author

Gaila Kline-Hobson Writes About Writing
Thoughts from Author Gaila Kline-Hobson...
Writing has always been a passion of mine. However, it was never something I thought I could make a living doing. I always enjoyed letter and note writing, which was my main writing outlet for quite a few years. Many people encouraged me to write a book, so it went on my bucket list. I loved teaching many young people how to write or improve their writing. I did many art and writing projects over the years with many, many students. I believe art and writing go hand in hand! Over the years, so many students and a few colleagues told me I should write books. After retiring from teaching in 2016, I realized I had something more to share with the world and turned to writing in all that extra time I had on my hands. It has helped me overcome the grief I felt when I no longer found myself in the classroom surrounded by the students I adored.
Since turning my passion into reality, I’ve written regularly. Writing fiction is incredibly hard work, but I’m happy when I’m sitting down at my desk creating new characters and stories. On those days when the words don't come easily, I feel it's important to keep writing. Even if it's only a paragraph or two a day, I try to keep writing. Nothing comes from a blank page, but editing can help any writing that doesn't feel extraordinary when you reread it. The wonder of computers!
The Chosen's Calling and Power to Light the Way
The Chosen’s Calling is a spiritual fantasy centered around the daunting question, “Why do young people die?” The story revolves around three teens as they transition from their earthly lives to fulfilling their true destinies. The youths come from different family backgrounds and faiths, have different passions and gifts, and died differently, but all have been chosen to become angel warriors and fight evil in the universe. They become masters of character virtues as they overcome the challenges on the Trail of Caring. Arduous training and divine gifts prepare them for comfort visits to their families and their first mission to fight evil. Dina, Jo, and Gabe, along with Gabe’s dog Bruno, are forged into a powerful team after completing the virtues trail. During their first training module, the novice warriors are called to accompany their seasoned warrior trainers on a mission to save a school bus full of children from capture by demons.
The Chosen’s Calling showcases how different faiths have many commonalities. Quotes from many faiths and spiritual leaders are woven into the story, as well as interesting facts about a number of things. (Lots of general knowledge can come from good stories!) Issues young people face such as ADHD, child abuse, the death of a parent, and the importance of animals in humans' lives are woven into the story, too.
May 2020
I've completed book two!
Power to Light the Way is the sequel to The Chosen’s Calling. The story, also spiritual fantasy, revolves around teenagers who have died and gone to Heaven. Several new teen warriors and one new trainer join Dina, Jo, Gabe, and Bruno in this story. Coming from vastly different family structures and faiths, and with different passions and gifts, the new characters meld with the original cast of characters. Despite their striking differences, they become a warrior team to fight evil in the universe and fulfill their true destinies.
The teens traverse the Trail of Deliverance, facing new challenges and becoming masters of more character virtues. They receive new divine gifts and arduous training to prepare them for an important mission: Fighting demons in Somalia.
Power to Light the Way, like The Chosen’s Calling, showcases the commonalities of different faiths through quotations from spiritual leaders and holy books. Along with the story, factual information is interspersed as well as secondary themes about terrorism, the situations facing young people in Somalia, Purgatory, and the process of becoming awareness and acceptance of people from vastly different cultures.
March 2021
I've now completed #3!
Parable of Deliverance is now with the graphic artist and editor!
The young warriors become masters of several virtues and strengthen their teamwork on the Trail of Determination. They encounter many new situations and add an imaginary creature, the catamarin, to their troupe. The warrior team is dispatched to the imaginary planet of Melodea to fight the demon of sickness who is decimating the planet.
Commonalities in faiths is still a featured theme along with good versus evil. Healing, everlasting love and commitment, as well as environmental awareness are important themes in this book, too.
Early readers have loved the book, so I hope everyone will!