What's the best gift you've ever received? I don't mean the biggest, most elaborate, shiniest, or priciest, but the one that brings a smile to your face and tiny flutters every time you think back to the first instant you saw it. For me, it was a bundle of puppy exuberance and love that I named McKenna Blue. She's an elder dog now at thirteen and a half, but she will always be my baby girl and my best present ever.
My husband surprised me with the pup. It wasn't for my birthday or any other traditional gift-giving holiday. It was because he listened and really heard me. He'd been declaring quite awhile that we weren't getting any more dogs when our current canines crossed the rainbow bridge, that he was done with dogs. I wasn't done, nor will I ever be. He heard me. He also heard me say how I need something female in our home besides me. We had three sons and two male dogs. I'd become pretty adept at swimming in the sea of testosterone, but I felt the need for another female.
McKenna was flown up from Oklahoma when she was eight weeks old. Shih tzus were hard to come by in Alaska, but she was destined to be our dog. I was actually stunned when she was delivered to the front door in her kennel with a balloon bouquet and sign. It was love at first sight and has been burgeoning love ever since.
One of the many things that makes McKenna Blue very special to me is that I named her. That might seem like a strange thing for me to write because people name their kids and pets. But, she's the only living thing I've ever named that was purely my choice. The kitten I got for my eighth birthday was named by my step-dad. Dave's and my first two dogs' names were suggested by my mom. Our next two pooches were gifts for our oldest two sons and were named by them. The one after that was a gift for our third son so naturally he named his dog. Next in the line-up was a seven month old rescue pup who already knew his name so we didn't change it. Then came Miss Blue, my baby girl, whom I named and nicknamed. We took in a sixteen month old canine who also came to us already named. We wound up keeping three of McKenna's pups in the family, but they were all named by others, too. Our latest addition, our rescue pup Nancy, already came recognizing her name so, again, we didn't change it. And our sons? I picked the names Adam and Jonathon, but Dave selected all of the middle names and our youngest's full name, though I was insistent on the nickname Jamie rather that Jim or Jimmy. Naming one's children is supposed to be a mutual agreement, so I compromised as much as I could. Naming McKenna Blue is important to me.
McKenna is pure love and loyalty rolled into a hairy little package. She isn't the smartest or most trainable dog I've ever known, but she is delightful. She is friendly and loves everyone, but she loves her dad and mom most. We're rewarded with her cuddles.
I've been blessed by generous and thoughtful gifts over the years from my husband, sons, parents, siblings, friends, and students and their parents. I'm appreciative of everyone who has generously bestowed gifts on me. There are many runners-up in the best gifts category, but McKenna Blue is the most special and heartfelt gift I've ever received. She truly took me by surprise. Adding another dog to our brood was a seemingly simple action, but it proved my husband was in synch with me. This pup reflected his love and understanding of my need to have something female to love in additon to my already loved males. She's the most thoughtful gift I could ever imagine.
