In my opinion, most poetry is soothing to the soul. Although poetry isn't for everyone, I believe it can be a quiet escape into a serene state of mind. Whether reading the lines someone else wrote, or laboring over your own poetic creation, the way the words are arranged and the rhythm of the writing express feelings differently than prose. Poetry doesn't have to be shared, but when it is, it provides a window into the mind of the writer.
I like to include a bit of poetry in my books. Just a bit. The exercise of creating rhyme and rhythm to logically tell a story or give directions that can be understood stretches my wordsmithing skills.
Here's a little poem that exercised my brain as I created it today:
Rearing sons is a different game,
No two days are quite the same.
Sharing life with little boys,
Overflows with countless joys.
Play and laughter fill each day
As your boys find their way.
Some days leave you feeling stressed,
As the rules they'll sometimes test,
You love them through mistakes they make,
Correccting them for their own sake,
Daily teaching them right from wrong,
Loving them as they grow strong.
Each boy grows up and becomes a man,
Charting his own life plan.
You let them go as you fight your tears,
Knowing you shared some golden years.
I held their hands for a little while,
And cherished every single smile.
I declare with a mother's pride,
In my sons' hearts, goodness resides.
I'm blessed with three sons whom I adore,
Spending time with them makes my heart soar,
Always their mother and now their friend,
A loving bond that has no end.
