American actor and filmaker Robert Duvall said, "Not every successful man is a good father, but every good father is a successful man." Stop and really think about that for a minute. This quote succinctly states how fulfilling and vital a devoted father's job really is.
Fatherhood comes with many responsibilities, the most important of which is making his family the biggest priority in his life. Though he has many duties (providing, protecting, helping with child care and home care, guiding, leading, etc.), an excellent father's first and most important duty is to love his family. From that love springs the desire and drive to do the rest.
Loving fathers stay in their children's lives and help mold them into the men and women of the future. They pass on their values by example and through their words. They teach their children how to love God, love others, be honest, trust, work hard, settle differences, forgive, and laugh.
As a mother myself, I am blessed with a husband who worked beside me to make our family whole. Our roles were blurry at times. I think that's what makes a lifelong parenting commitment work, going with the flow and being willing to adapt to the needs of the moment. Our sons are grown now and we can proudly declare together that they are good men. They've set their sails and headed different directions in their adult lives. They're contributing members of society who treat others kindly and respectfully. They appreciate the grandeur of this world and the little things like beautiful creatures and sunsets.
Dave Hobson, you are a good man and good father. You set the example that made our sons the men they are today. You are a successful man indeed.
